24/7 Free and Confidential Help and Support Line

St. Croix Valley Sexual Assault Response Team, Inc.
1200 Hosford Street Suite 203, Hudson WI 54016
12 W. Marshall Street, Suite 204, Rice Lake, WI 54868

In partnership with Hope Coalition:
1926 W. Old Main Street Suite 104 Red Wing MN 55066

The St. Croix Valley Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is proud of our strong care partnerships with the hospitals, police agencies, and County Services Agencies throughout Barron, Pierce, Polk, Rusk, and St. Croix County in Wisconsin and Goodhue County in Minnesota as well as the UWRF Campus Police and Health Office.

Through a team effort, we come together to work toward our mission to provide health care, education, protection and advocacy for sexual assault and interpersonal violence survivor victims and the communities we live in.

 If there is an emergency situation, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. 

All other cases call the SART center directly at 715-425-6443

Because of our relationship with area hospitals, you may be seen by one of our Forensic Nurses at any of the eleven hospitals in the five-county area in Northwestern Wisconsin or at one of the three community-based sites located in Hudson or Rice Lake, WI or Red Wing, MN.

Hospital Care Partners Maps/Links

You can also refer to our Get HELP page for more information!