24/7 Free and Confidential Help and Support Line

St. Croix Valley Sexual Assault Response Team, Inc.
1200 Hosford Street Suite 203, Hudson WI 54016
12 W. Marshall Street, Suite 204, Rice Lake, WI 54868

In partnership with Hope Coalition:
1926 W. Old Main Street Suite 104 Red Wing MN 55066

The St. Croix Valley Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Would Love to Speak to You!

In the past few years, St. Croix Valley Sexual Assault Response Team has had the privilege of speaking at several group meetings, law enforcement trainings and schools throughout Pierce, St. Croix and Polk counties, spreading the word about issues of sexual assault, forensic nursing and what we can do together through education and increased resources to stop sexual assault.

The length of our presentations range from 20 minutes to an hour in length, dependent on what information you seek.

The sole purpose of St. Croix Valley SART is to help sexual assault victims through the healing process, beginning with the examination after and assault.

We are dedicated to promoting violence prevention and educational programming in our community and schools.  We offer the most comprehensive, best practices, research based model teaching program available to address teen and young adult dating violence. With the hope of creating a safe community, we further enhance our education services with our community outreach initiatives through speaking to various organizations, groups and businesses interested in being a part of and becoming more aware of sexual violence issues.  Through our education and outreach initiatives, we commit to the change in the patterns of sexual violence.  Contact us today for more information on how you can get involved.

Prevention Education

Community Outreach